Monday, July 17, 2017

Long time no see

I started this blog with the intent of doing pretty much what we've done. Review things. Talk about food. Throw down the occasion recipe.

And then it stopped.

I frankly got burned out. Trying to work full time in a very stressful education situation is like that. I didn't have the money to go out, and then I didn't have the time, and then I didn't have the energy.

So I just sort of... stopped.

I thought about reviving it, just about any time I ate something delicious. And occasionally when I didn't.

But things have changed again for me. And I'm gonna be giving this an even bigger shot.

I've started a Patreon! One that is not just devoted to my writings culinary but also other things. You are entirely welcome to support or not. It's been a long time so I totally get if you've lost interest. But I'm gonna be getting stuff on here. A minimum of once a month, two if I hit the goal.

SO I guess what I really wanted to say ultimately is...

See you in the Chow Line,

-The Fat Kid

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